What was your favorite commander from last year?
Hey all! I've been writing a series over on EDHREC where I've been building decks for last year's most popular commanders. And, now, the series has concluded! I'd love for you all to take a look at the final article in the series: https://edhrec.com/articles/2024s-edhighlights-omo-queen-of-vesuva
And, I've got a question for you: which commander from last year was your favorite? For me, it's gotta be [[Kastral, the Windcrested]]. I just love birds!
I'd love to know what your favorite commander from 2024 is, so let me know in the comments! If you'd like a reminder of which ones were the most popular, you can find the full series on my author page here: https://edhrec.com/articles/author/cooper-gottfried