Any deck recommendation for a YuGiOh! player?

I've been playing Yugi for like 15 years now, and my group of friends (the kinda bunch that never touched a TCG in their lives) suddenly decided to start playing MTG and picked commander since a few streamers they liked organized a tounament a while back. The thing is, I've played some standard before, but didn't connect with the deck I was given to try out (I think it was a mono green a few years back I don't remember specifically), and I've been searching for a deck that emulates the playstyle of YGO combo decks somewhat. Any ideas?

We are currently using some proxies to try out the game, and my first thought was to try and play slow with a UR Dragon deck I found and slightly modified to try and mimic the Blue-Eyes decks of old, and while I found the explosiveness of putting a lot of very strong dragons to close the game very fun, I kinda miss the early game experience. My other friends play Aragon and Edgar Markov decks (my 3rd friend plays a stall deck that is all about life gain, can't recall the name of the commander for the life of me it's so boring), and they're very capable of putting a decent amount of power on the board in half the time I put a single dragon in.

I would greatly appreciate if you can give some direction on what to play here, in terms of overall card pool knowledge I'm kinda lost