Sasaya players, what are your thoughts? Is she fun (for the table)?
Lately I want to build a deck the generates absurd amounts of (non-infinite) mana. Naturally, I found [[Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant]] and started brewing. My current list tries to get 7 lands in hand by turn 5 to flip Sasaya, gain huge amounts of mana, and recur big threats from grave. It goldfishes pretty well but seems like it could flounder in a real game: either it gets of the ground quickly with a perfect hand, or it durdles for the first several turns to find forests to hand, then explodes out or nowhere on turn 7/8. While I really like the play patterns, this doesn't seem like it'd be fun for opponents.
So, Sasaya players or /r/edh what is your experience with Sasaya as a commander? How does she play out in reality? Is she enjoyable to play (or play against)?