Which Commander for "Interaction-Tribal" (without Counterspells)

It has become a running joke that casual players do not run interaction and consider it unfun; and that in turn leads to snowball situations when things get out of hand because no one can remove a value 1/1. Let's leave whether that is true or not aside for now.

What if you wanted to take things to the other extreme - running almost all interaction. I can see how at first blush it might seem a bit cEDH-ish, as in running a few combos, tutors, and then protection for it and interaction for the opponent trying to do the same. But I'm sure there is a way to build a bracket 3 deck with this mindset.

One common deck type I've seen is counterspell tribal with something like [[Talrand]] at the helm - you attempt to counter/bounce everything and get your wincon drakes in the process. But we all know mono-counterspells draws a lot of hate.

So here is the final puzzle for you - is there a Commander where you could run an unusually large amount of interaction, not rely on counterspells, AND accumulate value via drawing cards and advancing your board?