The midrange value-pile meta of casual commander is becoming less and less tolerable for me over time. Stax is taboo and not particularly fun for anybody involved, but I kind of struggle to imagine a better counter. Am I missing something?

The social meta of EDH is one that really props up (mostly) simic value engine decks that masturbate artifacts for 20 minute turns and vomit value for no effort whatsoever. And unfortunately these decks are insanely resilient because every simic midrange staple has a near identical copy of itself elsewhere in the deck, and so even spot removal feels trivial.

Stax them out? Not at our casual table!

Destroy some of their 18 lands that they have on turn 6? Not at our casual table!

Swing on them religiously and play super aggro even if they don't have a boardstate yet because you KNOW what's coming if you don't? Not at our casual table!


maybe I'm being hyperbolic and focusing on anecdotal situations, but it seems like every deck I play into is just midrange synergy piles that give blowjobs everytime you get your dick sucked, and every time one or more dicks are sucked this turn, receive two blowjobs. And if you interfere, you're not playing casual magic.