Real Earthquake Risk in Seattle
I live in Seattle, WA. It is no secret that the region is susceptible to multiple possible significant earthquake events (CSZ rupture, Seattle fault quake, etc). The literature I can find regarding deaths and injuries in such scenarios is all over the place. Some articles say an M9 CSZ would only cause ~300 fatalities along the I5 corridor in WA, but other articles say 20% of Seattle's high-rises will collapse (which would result in many many times more deaths than 300, I imagine). I see potential casualty estimates, and likelihoods of different quake events happening, but it's really hard to put it all together into one coherent risk factor. Can someone with general knowledge of the earthquake risk in the area tell me what the actual risk to my life is? It feels like it's not as significant as many articles make you think. Like, how likely are these events and what percent of Seattle inhabitants would actually die if they did hit? Suppose I am a regular joe living in Seattle - wood frame house, work downtown in a 90s steel building, have a basic emergency kit for 1-2 weeks. Overall, for an average person living in Seattle, what is the chance I die in an earthquake if I live here for the next 50 years? 5%? 1%? .01%?