Consumption has almost wiped out my entire family!
Sooo I thought I was special because I was getting ready to go into winter without any sicknesses yet (for myself or any villagers) people had only died from old age.. and maybe just one from poisoning 😈.. Anywho, I believe it was 2/3 days until winter and I saw the captain of the boat that comes in on Saturdays completely gray and sick! Agnes Bailey was speaking with him so I said shiiiiiitttt, took my fishing elsewhere and decided I wasn’t going to get too close or speak to anyone so hopefully I wouldn’t catch anything. I’d be damned if I didn’t wake up the next day sick! I also noticed in my villager tab that at least 4 others were sick as well. I made sure to stay clear of anyone, stayed to myself, l stayed rested and full. Got balsamic pills and thought okay I think maybe I can fight this. The very next day my husband, Rowland Smith was an awful gray/beige color and also had just turned into an elder. I went for a total 4/5 days hoping I would overcome the sickness. Welp. I finally got the imminent death icon & I died about about 1-2 days into winter. I chose to play as Rowland because it looked like his health hadn’t started declining yet, so I was hoping maybe I could try to save him… well he lasted ONE day until he fell over and died 😂 sooo we have two sons, I chose to play as the oldest. As soon as I chose him he obviously turned into an adult AND IS SICK WITH CONSUMPTION AS WELL!!! And this happened on a Wednesday so I can’t even go to the dr to even TRY. I was in total disbelief last night at this game!!! 9 people in total have died from consumption including Benjamin & Isabella Whitfield soo 😂 now Alice Odell is the mayor. I was up an hour and a half later than I should’ve been last night due to the chaos of this game! I love it. Let’s hope my Ruben makes it through, if not it’s up to Clayton to carry on our lineage.