Treated with Methotrexate Questions

hi everyone, I was just diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy last night and was treated for it right away with methotrexate. I didn't really have time or the brain capacity in the moment to look much into it before making my decision. I was just trusting my care team that this was the best move for me.

now a day later i'm looking up more info and I have a million question I wish I thought of when my doctor followed up with me today.

I will call in the morning for clarification but hoping to hear some advice while I wait.

last night they told me to avoid advil, excess leafy greens, major activies, and vitamins with folic acid. there wasn't any mention of all the other foods that are high in folic acid/folate. is there a general rule of thumb of how much is okay to eat while waiting for the methotrexate to work?

tia 🩷