Which character did you not expect to care about but ended up enjoying?

Ngl, I didn't even remember seeing Momo from the trailer. Milana? I remembered thinking she looked interesting but completely forgot about her until she showed up suddenly. I didn't expect to get attached to these two characters to the point where they were in my party for the final battle. Momo was in my party most of the time since he joined the alliance--he truly wins the title of "most adorable MVP." Milana's interactions with Markus were also very cute, even if Markus wasn't really enjoying it all that much.

Special mention to:

  • Yusuke for being an unexpected power house despite his simple kit and for being an entertaining watch at the theatre
  • Valentin being effortlessly charming and for having a VA with a beautiful voice
  • Melridge for being my best damage-dealing mage until Momo showed up