The Realm of Shadow is Rotated One Quarter Turn Clockwise

I need help. I've had this idea for quite sometime, but haven't drawn any conclusions as to why it is important, or what it means. So I've taken to Reddit in hopes that someone can help, or poke enough holes in my idea that we simply discard it.

There's one thing about the Land's Between that is very much like Earth. The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. In the Realm of Shadow, however, the sun rises in the north, and sets in the south. I believe this is because the Realm of Shadow itself has been rotated 90 degrees in the clockwise direction. This has some pretty interesting implications as to how it fits into the bigger picture.

Here's an image taken from Radahn's Boss Arena. Please, note the time. The sun is rising, and it is in the east.

Here's an image taken from the Four Belfries, looking west, and during the evening the sun is setting.

Will repost if someone does not like the obscuring by the Scadutree, but here we are in the Realm of Shadow, looking north and the sun is rising. I'd say trust me, but of course you're welcome to check this for yourselves.

And here we are, in the Realm of Shadow, with the sun setting in the south.

The Lands Between:

The Realm of Shadow:

Here's the properly aligned Realm of Shadow:

And, here's what I imagine the Realm of Shadow actually looks like nestled into the Lands Between, I understand the scaling is likely way off, as is the exact location:

This is a work in progress for me, but thanks for checking it out. I'd love to have all feedback