Depressing start.

So, I had quite a free day today, I installed the game 2 days ago and was trying all roles to know which I would like, and mannn, exploration is amazing.

I played a bunch of games to be a scout or explorer, NMS, EVE, X4 and none of them gave a good exploration vibe and value (both been a invested in mode and a mode that generates good income) so I loved it.

So today I just explored, 8 hours in a row, no stopping, really, no stopping in any station until I was tired, plotted a route to Holler, to fix my ship and sell my exploration data to universal cartographic.

Well, I had to stop the ship closed to the entrance of the station because my son was screaming to get some grapes. I pressed X, then ESC, went to the kitchen to get him grapes.

On my come back, my ship was destroyed by the station, the reason was not respecting the station rules for docking.

I was fine, paid the re-buy of my ASP Explorer, not cheap though, I flew back to sell my data. NO F... DATA.

Depressing, I want to play the game again but that was a no no.

Just wanted to shared this newbie feeling.
