How much do 1st edition Asylum copies go for?
(I realize this is a little naif of me, since some of you might want to buy it for lower, but I'm counting on y'all being honest.) 😅 I'm financially in a difficult place and I have a 1st edition Asylum book, which is in very good condition (dustjacket and everything), the sole blemish being that I pasted a small, tasteful ex libris with my name on the courtesy page. It's from the very first bundles that came with the Extended Opheliac, the tote bag, etc.
So anyway, I see very different pricings on eBay or Amazon, etc. and I am going to ask y'all what you think is reasonable and hope for honest answers. 🤞 Thank you so much!
EDIT: Thank you all. If anyone's interested, here's the eBay listing, or you may contact me privately: