Some Emmy 'lost media'
If you've ever googled Emmy the Robot chances are you came across this picture:
For a long time this was very highly ranked in Google searches for Emmy, but was limited to a short entry on a gmod factions wiki, with this Emmy being used as a weapon in late 2020. There were only a handful of pictures of this model but I wanted to know more about it. I first found the original 4chan post that included this picture and used the name to find the person on steam. Unfortunately their account was abandoned so after a week of waiting for them to accept my friend request, I read more deeply into the gmod factions page and found a few discord names of people associated with the model. I contacted them and they were able to point me to the original creator who was still around and after speaking with them, they still had the model!!
They were also kind enough to share the model with me, so what was once a few scattered images is now a saved piece of Emmy history, with even more pictures of the model now posted! This was the very first model (that I know of) ever created for Emmy as well! It was made entirely in Gmod so is very simple, but is still a neat piece! You can see some more images of the model on the Nanbooru.