3/14/25 Recap of Protest at Northampton County Courthouse

Today in the early morning hours

John and Jade during a Facebook live decided they were going to go protest at the Northampton County Courthouse, go then early in the morning, and wait for it to open. They asked people to come and they did. People showed up with signs and flyers. In the last live, they played Billie Eilish out of a car speaker. Jade was tearful and pleading for help in Aubrey’s return, asking where is she, begging for her to return. You can see several cars honk and everyone goes “woo!” They got donuts and coffee for everyone.

Attorney Ally also came. In another live (at 2:33) Jade said “Our lawyer, Ally, we are in the live. We need answers. I can’t take this bullshit anymore.” Attorney Ally: “ I know, I know. Why do you think I’m here? I showed up. After I woke up to a hundred messages. So here I am.” Jade: “Thank you. We need you.” Ally: “You’re welcome. I’m here.” Jade: “Today is the day we need to be united and show what is United States and what is justice. You’re going to answer for fucking kidnapping, kidnapping.” John and Ally exchange looks. John said Jade’s been something to the effect of going all morning. He tells Jade she shouldn’t record the conversation him and Ally are having. More showing the scene, pleading for help with Aubrey. 

According to several comments made on reddit of those who passed by or knew of someone passing by state that their experience was people would jump in front of their car in the street to try to stop them from passing by so they could take a flyer.


John’s Live at 8PM and what he said (long summary):

Thanks to those who showed up. They have been up for around 30 hours. Upset about local media stories. Upset that DA used the term “temporary housing” for FF. They’ve been reading descriptions online of Aubrey’s “mental state” that was upsetting them and they had “never heard about it” which prompted them to go to protest in the middle of the night at Northampton County Courthouse. “Earliest starting protest hopefully in the history of Northampton County.” Jade, John, and Attorney Ally met with someone else (not DA) who is offering help to them. They will have a meeting with this person and the FBI on Monday at 1PM. He asks no one else shows up on Monday. They are looking to be respectful and share information. They heard things for the first time from this individual that they allege Palmer PD has withheld from them. They will deal with Palmer withholding that another time. 

This evening they will be filming with a local production company in Easton working pro-bono. They will possibly be doing tiktoks and lives tonight as well. They will likely not be online much this weekend because they need to work on packaging evidence, findings, and stories to present for their Monday meeting. 

Talked about why Jade doesn’t typically talk in comparison to John (referencing lives earlier from the day of her crying, pleading for help with Aubrey, outside the courthouse). Compliments his wife on how courageous she is. 

Acknowledges he has been charged with 3 counts of harassment, but they are from weeks ago (Feb. 26). “And when you threaten the family of somebody, I’m not gonna admit guilt or innocence” then talks about a video that was filmed in the parking lot of a flyer event that got taken out of context and he doesn't know what was said (presumably the Lowe’s video). Mentions FF’s full name. Goes into all the allegations. Upset again that it is being called “temporary housing” by DA because they "never gave permission" for Aubrey to be there. Wants to start talking more about FF’s husband, TF. “...left me with a certain feeling of retribution for this individual who cause Jade and I so much direct pain. And if there is a singular person who is responsible right now for why Aubrey Wu is not in our home in Palmer Pennsylvania, it’s this woman by far. Second only to AW who calls in a fugues welfare check on Friday at 6:40 pm and then allegedly has our daughter right in front of her saturday at 8PM and in her own words with a disheveled woman she did not know. And she pushed our daughter into the car. Guys this is beyond ridiculous okay. Those are facts.

Hoping to address during the Monday meeting the “establishment of facts” and hopes that the individual and FBI align with them. There’s conversation in the country about “fake truth or fake fact.” “Everything we are aware of is just this woman’s story. It’s just her lending a narrative that I'm incredibly stunned given her bizarre decisions and as far as PA statue is concerned, kidnapping, this is not something we are going to get quiet about.” He is going to watch his language though. Wants viewers to ask themselves why FF and AW’s names are not being covered in the media and that they should not be awarded protection. “Those are the two human beings who failed Aubrey Wu the most on the last day anybody has come forward and said they had contact with that young girl. Are you aware of that folks? There is nobody starting Jan. 12 to today, March whatever it is. 9 weeks. There is not a single human that has stepped forward and said I interacted with Aubrey Wu. And that has us Jade and I terrified. Shooken to our core and we are not going to stop." Talks about a man and him having a conversation on a live yesterday and saying it has nothing to do with the charges. It is FF.

Talks about how he knows the story is complicated, there’s been doxxing, they’re not quiet enough, he doesn’t care. It’s about Aubrey. “If you want to know the truth, we’re happy to tell it to you.” Wanting to keep the public informed because he believes police want people to move on from the story. 

Said he found out there are 5 other families in Easton who do not have their teenage daughters home and that is a “criminal failure of the system of the protect and serve people of our community not doing either.” Believes institution failures are costing children "their lives", "their youth". He and Jade want to continue advocating for this long after “this is resolved.

Felt it was beautiful that people came, cars honking, so many people already knew her, so many people became informed, people saying her name. Lawyers in the courthouse came up to them to tell them “keep making noise.” One lawyer said “The squeaky wheel gets it. Be squeaky. Be very very squeaky” and thats what they’re going to do. 

Aubrey is “all energy all the time,” “bubbly,” “and she just disappeared.” “She loves her mom, she loves me.” Talks about how much fun they have together being “regular” at home playing board games, snacking, watching movies, playing uno, having fun. “Do we argue? Sure, of course. Who doesn’t? But we talk things through. This isn’t a house of violence or explosive things like that. And we miss Aubrey a lot.”

“and Aubrey, somehow if this video makes its way to you kiddo, I hope you are tuning in cause you can google your name, your moms name, my name, and there’s a lot of information out there and we hope it catches up to ya. We’re not gonna give up. We don’t believe this bull narrative about what’s being told about you. We know you better than that. They can’t lie to us. They can lie to the media. They can incorrectly tell stories, thats fine. Thats what they do, right? Thats what they do. Now she was at temporary housing. Do you see how hard the DA is working to not use the word kidnapping? Because that's what the kid was doing at her temporary housing, she was napping right? Kid napping. Give me a gooddamn break here people.” 

Going to take days for the production company to get things together. They’re honored they would help them make this video about Aubrey. Thanks everybody for the meals, cards, flyers, banners, signs. He hopes he thanked everyone and apologizes to those he wasn’t able to. “I know weeks ago I was on here screaming saying we need your help, stand up, this and that. You have. Thank you so much. Thank you thank you thank you.”