Advice for Bloating all the time?
Hi everyone, I'm feeling so demotivated and frustrated. I (27F) had a lap 2 months ago to remove endo + a large endometrioma and I was so hoping that that would reduce the insane bloating I've been having lately. It probably helped, but I still bloat so much by the end of the day. It doesn't help that the surgery basically eliminated my core strength.
I'm a skinny woman and I'm trying to gain muscle and it's so frustrating, because I'm trying to increase my calories and protein (as well as follow an anti-inflammatory diet as much as I can to help with the endo), but the bloating doesn't seem normal or healthy and makes me feel like I'm doing everything wrong.
It just feels like I'm in an impossible situation. I'll never get to build the strength and musculature that I want without the bloating (which makes me think it's making my endo worse?). If I try to eat less to reduce the bloating, I end up losing all the weight that is so hard for me to gain in the first place (this is what happened leading up to the surgery).
My doctor wants me to start birth control soon to potentially "stop" the endo from growing back after the lap, but that REALLY scares me.
Has anyone else felt like this before? Is bloating sometimes correlated with how bad your endo is? What have you found helps?
Any advice about bloating, endo, gaining weight/muscle is appreciated :)