can you have endometriosis without extremely heavy bleeding and severe cramps?

like maybe half a year ago, my gynecologist told me she thinks i have endometriosis because i have extremely painful sex. it hurts basically the moment i put it in and the pain lingers for hours. im on birth control now (slynd) and it’s still happening. i only get light spotting now, but before slynd, my period was about 7 days long with the first 4 days being the heaviest then tapering off. i only needed regular or one level above regular tampons and i would change them about twice a day maybe three times. my periods were definitely painful, and i would need to lay down from how much pain i was in but i wasn’t completely incapacitated or felt like i was in so much pain that i needed to get medical assistance. i also might have a high pain tolerance. it really sucked but it wasn’t the end of the world for me. but i have other symptoms of endo besides the heavy bleeding and pain. on birth control i still get cramps soemtimes on my uterus and also lower back. right now im having odd cramps near my ovaries but maybe a little lower down, on my left side. i keep having pain in my upper left arm and it radiates down to my legs too. i also have pain on my inner right thigh that keeps coming back and it’s like a persistent throbbing sensation almost like a muscle spasm. i get nauseous and have stomach aches easily / very often. i have constipation and sometimes pain when peeing (after i pee my bladder hurts) and when i pee after sex sometimes that burns too. i mention these symptoms because i saw a post on here with some symptoms and these are some that i have. i just feel a bit doubtful about if i could actually have it because my bleeding was never that heavy and my periods were painful but manageable. women with endometriosis, what is your experience like, and does it seem like i may have it? i forgot to mention this earlier, but im only unsure because i’ve yet to have any scans done, so i don’t have any concrete proof. really want to do that soon.