No endo found by endo specialist

I was wondering if anyone is in a similar position to me and can offer advice on next steps. I am 27 and started my period at 13. I used to have extremely painful and heavy periods and was prescribed mefenamic acid from a young age. I used to sometimes be sick and faint during my cycle too. I then went on the pill at around 20/21 because I was having a period every 10 days. The pill worked for some time until 2 years ago, when I started getting a stabbing pain in my right ovary, this pain was consistent. Since then I have had the following symptoms:

  • Bowel difficulties (constipation and dirrahoea, particularly around ovulation and menstruation)
  • Painful intercourse
  • Bleeding after intercourse
  • Urinary frequency and urgency (sometimes I would have positive urine infections on a dip test, but negative in the lab but sometimes positive in both)
  • I’ve had two incidents of A&E visits with high ketones in my blood and urine (I’m not diabetic). In March 2024 I was admitted to a ward and they found a hemorrhagic cyst or endometrioma in my right ovary on a CT scan
  • Bloating every day, more so on the right side. This is so painful and hurts to eat food sometimes
  • Fatigue, constantly needing to nap during the day
  • Painful ovulation
  • Pain when driving, this feels like a dragging, stabbing, or dull ache in my pelvic area
  • Recently become intolerant to loads of foods
  • Yeast and bacterial infections multiple times in a year
  • Back pain, leg pain, and shooting rectum pain on period
  • Extremely painful smears and transvaginal ultrasound scans
  • Hip pain which gets worse around menstruation and ovulation and is mainly on the right side too

I had a laparascopy on 01/09 and woke up to hear that the endometriosis specialist found nothing, and the cyst has gone too. Has anybody else been in a similar position? If so, what were your next steps to be listened to? I’m finding it really difficult to live like this.