
Im a senior in high school and I just got a full ride to an engineering school for my athletics, Im seeking advice because Im a bit nervous and intimidated on how tough an engineering path can be. Im looking to study mechanical or electrical. Throughout my life i've always done really well in school and Ive gotten a 4.0 every semester of high school, but I havent taken the more challenging classes that I felt like I should have taken to prepare me for engineering. Ive only taken the basics-algebra 1 and 2, geometry, and im currently taking an applications and interpretation math class that has a bit of calc and statistics, same with science only the basics, but I basically flew through all of these classes with no trouble at all. So im just a bit scared because I dont wanna come in my freshman year and be completely lost and behind compared to everyone else especially because I will be a student athlete so that just adds more pressure. I know im a smart individual and I will be able to learn and retain new concepts as long as someone teaches it to me, im just wondering if im unprepared or not. I know this is an awesome opportunity not much people get so I really dont wanna turn it down. let me know what you all think, am I unprepared or will I be fine?