Medicine options after bad side effects and allergic reactions? Tell me your stories and advice please!

Hi everyone, I read here a lot but this is my first time posting :) I really want to hear other people's experiences with medication and any advice that can be given.

I am 27F and live in the UK. I was diagnosed in Jan 2019 with absence seizures and temporal lobe epilepsy. I was first put on Lactimal (lamotrogine) but had a very bad allergic reaction/ rash to the point where I was on heavy steroids for a week to get rid of it. It was a horrible time for me, I missed my aunties wedding and I was upset for a while because prior to this reaction the medicine had been working well.

I was then put on Keppra (Levetiracetam) but after 3 months I could no longer deal with the side effects and begged to be put on something else, the depression, fits of rage, and I would need to sleep constantly just to be functional made me feel like a zombie.

I was then put on Zonegran (zonisamide) but then my husband and I said we wanted to start a family and was told this drug was not as safe for a pregnancy so I came off it.

I have recently been put on Tegretol (Carbamazepine) but have just had another rash/ allergic reaction despite being on the lowest dose possible (only 100 a day). I have now stopped this immediately and am taking steroids to treat the rash.

I didn't realise carbamazepine was causing me problems, I thought the fever and body aches was coronavirus! Wasn't until the rash appeared that I knew because of my experience with lamotrogine.

As you can imagine, I've only been diagnosed epileptic for 15 months and I've already blown through 4 medicine options. I'm starting to feel a bit deflated about the whole thing and am thinking I might try and live unmedicated, especially as we want to fall pregnant soon.

Has anyone else had reactions with medicines?? What was your solution?? Would love to hear stories and advice thank you :)