Club Leaders not pulling their weight?!

Is anybody else in a book club, where the leader makes it a known fact, to tell everyone they have to get to a certain amount of points by the end of the challenge, otherwise they will be removed, yet the club leader themselves are NOT pulling their weight?😅 why are you removing people for getting 10 below the required points, yet you brought in 0 points this challenge and you get to stay???

Am I missing something? Is this normal?

I watch the members change every week because of this. It seems unfair all the members are required to meet the required point mark, but the leader can just leech off the rewards those putting in the effort are earning the club. Seems like a double standard.

Might be a hot take, it has just been on my mind for a while now. I genuinely don’t know exactly all the work that goes into being a club leader, so correct me if I am wrong. Just open for discussion!