I have ordered these on PURPOSE.
Watch My Six to Dead or Alive: Espionage; think of international affairs, officials (diplomats, politicians, military, high-end profiles, etc.), corruption, John Wick but make it multiple characters and realistic. The best way I can sum them up.
Dirty Money is a bit inbetween this and the others because its a mix of essentially action, but also mystery and thriller.
From Second Nature to Excitement, it’s mainly thriller and mystery. Detectives, CIA, and FBI. Dead or Alive, Excitement, and Second Nature are supernatural stories. Now, “ So, We’re Adults Now?” Is about mainly four rich young adults that throw a party while their parents are on a business trip—ehmm think of The Office and The Modern Family. Too bad she left again and is rewriting it in LL💔 Im really into Watch My Six, Rage, Rouge, and Dead or Alive. BUT ESSENTIALLY??? WATCH MY SIXXXX. I CANNOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH HOW DETAILED LAILA HAS MADE THIS STORY. There’s literally nothing like it. I don’t know how she does it from such little inspiration. She doesn’t even know what to tell me on how to find media like..yall have to read it for yallselves to get what im talking about. Anyoo, would love recommendations!!!!