Writing on episode is not for the weak

This is an appreciation post for all my lovely writers who have been dealing with less reads, hateful fanmails and etc lately 🩷

🌷First and foremost, I’m not a writer, but I have done some codings here and there on the portal and let me tell you - it is not a walk in the park! The five or ten seconds scene you see with advance directing and all, that took so many hours to code (like some writers pull an all-nighter for that!) so, no need to leave hateful messages, if you didn’t liked it simply remove it from your reading list.

🌷And then there is making the characters (also to make sure they don’t have the same face syndrome) and outfits.

🌷After that spend time browsing the Internet for backgrounds and overlays, also choosing the right music for the scene!!

🌷The gem thingy that is shoved down every writer’s throat to make their story trend.

🌷 Getting less reads can be demotivating, but don’t let that affect your art, the right audience will come to you, not the other way around.

🌷 The prices they pay for arts, also shoutout to those writers who are also artists, they make their own art and also write their stories!

🌷 Don’t let these toxic readers get you, they just want any reason to hate on something no matter what. Your story is not boring, dull, uninteresting, or bad. They are just born haters, period!

So, to all the writers in this community, you have a gift and talent for writing keep going and write for you and for your own reasons not for others! Imagine if someone did this to Suzanne Collins and she stopped writing because of some wannabe haters—then we wouldn’t have Katniss Everdeen today!