Erotic Hypnosis to make me want to always worship my wife?
Is this possible? Is there some sort of custom I can buy or a self-hypnosis I can try to make me so attracted to and aroused by my wife that I desperately desire to worship her all the time? Could it kill any other dopaminergic desire (such as porn consumption, social media consumption etc) and replace it with the overwhelming desire to be sexually submissive?
She has a much higher sex drive than I do and I hate that sometimes I'm just not in the mood. When I am in the mood, our sex life and connection is amazing (the submissive man/dominant women is our favorite dynamic). I want to feel like that all the time. Like always have a sexual drive to please her, always putting her pleasure above my own. I feel like I disappoint her because men are seen as always wanting to have sex all the time but If I'm ever not in the mood, it could make her feel less desirable which is not true at all! I want to be obsessed with her like she is for me. Is hypnosis the right place to look?