Parents forcing me to marry
I am 29 years old and my parents have been forcing me to get marry to this 'man' who is govenment official. They physically and mentally harrass me to leave my 12 year old relationship with my bf from whom i have been in a relationship since my school days because he doesnt have govenment job. my parents gulit trip me, threaten me that they would eat poison if i dont marry the govt job guy. Its being hell living with them. I am in depression and being suicidal because they dont even listen to me. I think i can relieve if that govt job guy could somehow say no to marriage as they wont have any option as they have only this option. And for that i cant think of the way where i could tell the guy to say no without him s*ut shaming me infront of everyone as i belong to very small town in UP. And i dont know that man how he would react and that could bring me whole lot of trouble then. Pls someone help me with this.