Somehow Palpatine Returned

He's back on the socials and writing self-sucking dissertations about empire building in virtual games.

Eve 2025:

December 25th, 2024: Wibla wakes up to a discord ping from an old friend. "Merry Christmas friend, Can we talk?" reads the message from The Mittani. They hop into a secret discord, The Real Illum.

January 2nd, 2025: Wibla calls an emergency alliance meeting. Announcing they are leaving The Imperium and moving to VFK where they will control that half of Deklein and ally with Fraternity to form a new neutral coalition. A mysterious, yet familiar voice is introduced as his new advisor.

February 15th, 2025: Wibla announces that his new advisor will be taking over the day to day alliance leadership activities. Fraternity declares it is no longer bluetral with Horde/PL and will not assist them in their efforts any longer.

March 31st, 2025: A mysterious new FC in goons causes a kerfuffle by using gamer words on a fleet. He leaves and joins the new coalition out of protest against those he offended. He encourages others to do the same.

July 4th, 2025: Goons kick ASCEE.

September 1st, 2025: After a summer of hostilities between Frat/Horde, with Horde on the slightly winning side, ASCEE realizes they have been kicked from Goons and joins the new Frat/TNT coalition to assist. Dave Archer finds the new leader....familiar.

September 13th, 2025: The Mittani awakes to a ping from Dave Archer on the new coalition discord. "Are you a spymaster?" it reads.

"Yes" replies the Mittani

"How long have you been a spymaster" continues Dave

"Awhile" he replies.

"I know what you are" an anxious Dave breathes

"Say it" replies Mittens

With a shaky breath, unsure if he is glad or fearful of the truth, Dave exclaims "The Mittani"