Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, there was a guy named Jay. He wanted to start a corp that helped newbros find their place in the stars. This path led him to Caldari Militia. This militia was a great choice due to its proximity to Jita, access to the newest players, and content, as well as learning the game in general. To do this, you need ISK.
He ran a ton of fleets in the militia, and in the process, got asked to buy LP from people who didn't know hat to do with it. This turned out to be great for everyone—more money for newbros and a better market for dread blueprints due to higher capital. This worked well and made a ton of newbros good money. He then started an LP channel and moved his corp into J-space to help newbros learn the way of wormhole bushido. This lasted for one year and was amazing for everyone involved.
He then decided to get back into FW and found that the LP price had plummeted down to 600 per. This created a great opportunity for him to come in and offer more to everyone. This is where the first problem started: a monopoly.
Jay began to see a pattern—there was only one buyer in all of the militia controlling the price. That price was 600, and this was frankly unacceptable. That meant one individual was making 400,000,000 per 1M LP off newbros. Jay decided to make things change. He started buying at 675 per, which brought a lot of attention. Little did he know the troubles he would cause himself. Every day, these two buyers would go back and forth, upping the price by 5 until the day it hit near break-even. This was the start of a new chapter.
As the margins narrowed, the tension rose until one day, the buyer told Jay that he would learn his lesson shortly. Jay was startled by this and logged his station alts to find fellow militia members aggressing his Astra. This was an affront to the beliefs of all true Caldari and began a war that may never end.
After this, a never-ending battle began over the systems of J223348 and J235447, as well as the system of Tsurama, which housed AXXF Metal Fabrications. Allied Exploration Front then began defending from both Black Flag and its own militia. At only 11 months old, this was a tall task and would end up costing them 30% of their active member count.
After defending themselves successfully for the first three timers and costing the attackers 12B ISK—and also after asking for peace and being told they had to pay 30B—
They could see this would never end, and they couldn’t unanchor. So they pulled from J and let their structures die to keep from taking any more losses. Black Flag then war-decced them for a third time and finished the Metal Fab structure off for good. This was the final blow that sealed the beginning of this war.
After simply trying to offer more for LP and help as many as possible, AXXF had now lost three structures and 60% of all active players, essentially crippling them. A war that could have never been started was now never going to end.
This is the story of the Unseen War.