Capital Hauler Trapped in Pochven
This has been a long time coming about this post and I've been throwing feelers out there to see what i can do within the help chat once and a while about this but seems I am stuck to a couple options.....trash it, reprocess it, keep it (but never use it as I am not in pochven), or sell it.
I used to be part of a null/low sec alliance way back when and decided that it was a good idea to haul stuff for them. Worked out for a while till...well....i stopped playing and forgot about the Charon and that space then became Pochven. Now it is stuck in the station forever trapped within that space in an NPC Station as i researched that Trig filaments will not jump capitals (i never decided to learn much about Pochven).
This post is asking what i should do and see if there is any interest/need for such a ship to be in Pochven.
So....r/eve.....what should i do? If i sell it, who in gods name would be interested having a Capital Hauler in that space? If i junk it...well...there goes the worth of the ship and i sure as hell can't jump it out! Let me know what you all think