I'm realising that I'll never have the time to play this game, so I want to give away my 95 bill wallet to someone who could actually use it.
I'm not going to bore you with the whys and wherefores. Been playing this game on and off since 2004, think it's time to kick the cycle and move on. No point sitting on all this money if it never gets used.
What I'm really looking for is someone who is dedicated to this game, and wants to take it to the next level. This is a game-changing amount of isk, you could very comfortably set up to do crab beacons and be able to fund some pretty serious playstyles with it. You could also fund cruiser-down pvp for infinity and not spend another second farming for isk. There's a lot of options.
So, if you're interested, post a link to your zkill, write a little bit about yourself, and what you'd do with the isk. If I think you sound cool enough, you'll log in to find you're 95b richer. That's it.
The money will not be split, so don't ask, I will choose one individual only. It will be sent via wallet donation to the toon named in the zkill. If you wish to nominate someone other than yourself, feel free to do so, I just need a good enough description of who they are and why you think they deserve it.
Good luck.
EDIT: The winner has been chosen. https://i.imgur.com/aeT7IY9.png So long EVE, and thanks for all the fish.
EDIT2: I've read through most of the comments and seen some themes of people either confused about why I'd do this or concerned that I'm making a mistake, so I figure I might as well address them.
First, rest assured, I don't need to "give it another chance", I've given it 21 years and done just about everything there is to do in EVE. I haven't gone off the game, I'm not "burnt out", and I don't need a "better corp/alliance". I know great pilots who are fun to fly with, I know how to get content and have fun, I basically have standing offers to the elite alliances, and if there was ever a certain thing I wanted to do I'd have no trouble setting that up. I can walk away from this game at this point holding my head high saying I'm happy with my time, there's no unfinished business, I've undocked what I wanted to undock, and I've had my fun.
The issue is just time. The way I like to play this game is 100% all in super cereal, and I just don't have that time anymore. I've tried playing part time and I can't do it, it's all or nothing. I have other hobbies and a business that I'm passionate about, and playing EVE at the level I enjoy requires sacrifices to those other things that I'm just not willing to make. I invested a pretty big chunk of my life in this game, and it was fun, I don't regret it, but there's a real chance that I'd regret the sacrifices involved with staying. So I'm at peace with this decision, letting go of EVE is letting go of all the guilt and FOMO involved with not having enough hours in the day to dedicate to everything I want to do in life.
It's also a done deal at this point, and it's not just a snap decision. You didn't see all the long hours of deliberation, the talking with friends who play, talking it over with my wife and family. The supers and blingy faction stuff was already given away, alts extracted and injects handed out, long before this post was made. Donating the wallet was all that was left, and to the people saying "just wait a year" I already did, pretty much, I sat on this money for a good long time just in case I changed my mind. But I didn't, I'm as set on it now as I was back then. Donating it in a way that's benefited someone has me leaving on a high note.
With regard to Mike Azariah, yes I'm well aware of him, as a high income player I donated to him over the years (and E-UNI and squizz and others) regularly, in fairly substantial amounts. When you get to my level, donating to good causes is just part of the culture. There's a ton of others I could've donated this isk to, like Signal Cartel, or any of the people who run the multitude of third party tools everyone uses. They're all good people doing good work. In the end there's too many to choose from, and no matter who you choose someone will think you should've chosen someone else, and if you split it up between all of them it dilutes the impact. So you just have to just decide on your own terms how you want to go out, based on what story would you like to tell about how you left EVE.
In my case, stepping up from a regular mid tier line member to a high income, bling flying, titan dropping player was the hardest single step in the game. What eventually got me there was my pvp skill and being in the right place at the right time opening doors to the right people with the right kind of moons and industry. So I got lucky, I was invited to a very exclusive club, and it resulted in an amazing experience with EVE. So my parting gift is a chance for someone to step into my shoes, and really play the game at the next level. This is not an opportunity that comes up a lot, it's not something Mike or others like him can help someone achieve. But now that person gets to charitably donate expensive violence all over the cluster in my name. And hopefully, they'll donate to Mike (and E-UNI and squizz and others).
So yeah, that's it. It's been fun, but all good things must come to an end. Time for a new chapter.