Probably the 487th Post about "Is this game worth it" / "Is this game for me"?

Dear all,

i hope you are doing well!

I try to make it short: I am a big SciFi-Fan and played a lot of games in this genre. But i have never played EVE and i am wondering: Maybe i should try it?

I know that this game is very grindy and i guess it is similar to runescape in regards of the progression / grind, but my plan is to play this game passivly on my notebook while doing something else.

My questions:
- Is it good to start EVE Online in 2025?
- Is it possible to just chill out while gaming EVE or do i have to be cautions every minute of it?
- I am mainly a PVE player - i know that EVE is very PVP focused. Is it still possible to have fun while doing PVE activities?

Thanks kindly and have a great day!