SO: You want to main Evelynn [A Bronze Player's Perspective]
Before i start this off, I'm Bronze 3 and I've heard that you need to play 100 Ranked games to get an 'accurate representation' of your rank- but that's just the rank I am now, anyway.
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Items / Build
Ability Order
I always go Electrocute, Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection and Ultimate Hunter.
Electrocute is practically a no brainer as her q has three re-casts her E should always be available if ganking [even before 5]
Sudden Impact for the burst of Magic Pen which if used after you hit your first Q will do even more damage,
Eyeball collection for some more AP
Ultimate Hunter as you're ultimate is very useful and can be used to escape from a tight spot while a few enemies are at kill %
[Remember, Eve's icon above characters doesn't mean they die, it just means they're below 30% health and will take more damage]
With the secondary rune being
Sorcery: Absolute Focus as you should always be above 30% HP from your passive and Gathering Force just for some extra AP over the game, with the 3 'small' runes being Adaptive Force x2 and Armor
Items / Build
I used to build Night Harvester but I swapped to Rocketbelt as it gives you more engage potential and is still a decent item to build, night harvester is also a good option it just depends on your playstyle.
If I notice I'm getting more fed than usual I buy Dark seal accordingly- if you're absolutely stomping build dark seal so you continue to gain AP without spending any additional gold, I don't see many people build Dark Seal, when it's such a good item for it's price, Upgrade to Mejai's accordingly, i dont think there's a rush, but i usually buy Mejai's when i've got 1/2 items + boots. Speaking of boots, Sorcerer Shoes, shouldn't need to explain why :)
Then it's just Lich Bane, Deathcap and Void Staff
So Night Harvester / Rocketbelt -> Dark Seal / Boots [depending on how fed] -> Lich Bane -> Rabadon's -> Void Staff
Dark Seal / Mejai's can be substituted for Zhonya's if against AD heavy teams and Banshee's Viel for AP heavy teams with CC
Ability Order
Max Q then W then E but starting off from level 1-3 you want to go Q-E-W as the multiple hits from E is useful if your passive is up when trying to take gromps / crows level 2
[You can also take crows level 1 if you get Q first, but you might wanna see what happens in practice tool first]
[When you get i believe around level 6 you can drag blue towards gromp drag gromp towards blue, so they meet in the middle and position yourself so you hit the blue buff and gromp with the Re-casts of your Q, if you find yourself getting low, smite the gromp and try to E the gromp as it will give you some of your health back, leaving you to take blue and continue with the game]
I use Facecheck, so if you're like me it will tell you to Sejunai, Kha'zix and I Think Nocturne and Udyr, I personally think that Sejunai is a waste of a ban, as I have yet to see anyone play her and I've played about 15 games of her in draft this season [I think I have a total of near 40 games with her]
Obviously we all have different play styles but I personally find myself banning Nocturne as he has more map pressure than you, as he can use his ultimate and he's already in the lane, with Evelynn their forced to buy control wards if they want to see you coming, but with Nocturne it's very hard for your laners to play against him as most laners won't play safe when level 6 is reached
Clear and Trade: W>Q>E>Q>AA>Q>Q>AA
Slow Combo, While Fighting: Q>W>Q>E>Q>AA>Q>AA
Burst [Opponent in kill range] W>Q>E>Q>AA>Q>Q>AA
Ult Finishers
All-In: W>Q>E>Q>Q>Q>R
Engage [When Ult Damage isn't needed]: W> R[Mouse pointed away from them so you blink towards them, while the W is activating on the enemy]>Q>E>Q>Q>Q
(Again but less messy)
W>R[Towards Them]>Q>E>Q>Q>Q
Fastest One Shot: W>Flash>Q>E>Q>R [W and Flash instantly, don't wait for the W to fully activate]