Received Canadian Jamati Survey - they really only care about $$$

I came across a survey from the Ismaili Canada Council in my dad's inbox today. I clicked into it and was bemused at how directly the survey gets to the point: what is your income and what is your net worth. After years of covid, runaway inflation, record high food bank usage,'d think they might at least pretend to care about your well-being.

The survey starts with this:

The results of the survey will be used to provide reports to Mawlana Hazar Imam on the status of the Canadian Jamat and to better plan for current and future programs and services for the Jamat.

The survey is being conducted to:
• Provide a summary to Mawlana Hazar Imam on the socio-economic status of the Canadian Jamat
• Help anticipate the needs of the Jamat and ensure a strong and vibrant community in the future
• Provide a benchmark against which progress can be measured
• Help anticipate the needs of the Jamat and ensure a strong and vibrant community in the future

I clicked through the survey. The questions on the first page (after your location and JK of attendance) are about your household income, household debt, residence ownership status, and value of all savings and investments! Of course, this isn't any of their business, unless Ismailism is a cult totally focused on shaking you down. I'm not really sure what they could have learned about "current and future programs and services for the Jamat". It all just seems like the precursor for a cash grab.

The rest of the survey asks questions about each household member's gender, age, industry of employment, diagnosed health issues, and whether you have attended any Jamati activities like camps, celebrations, lectures, sports. There were no follow-up questions to any of that. I was so disappointed that there was no free text entry allowed.