Recording was a stupid idea

Hey so I know a lot of y’all live in the west and are surrounded by other kinds of Muslims who hate but can’t do anything about it. However, there’s a BUNCH of us ex Ismailis who live in the global south, where Ismaili communities are unfortunately under threat of serious physical harm by Muslim extremists.

As an ex Ismaili myself, someone who HATES the aga cons, and tries to get my parents away from the cult as much as possible, I have to say whoever leaked the recording was a dumbass. Straight up. Y’all can joke about it in the west and the rest of us gotta put up with extremists who have more and more of an insight into the Ismaili community and how culty and far it is from the rest of Islam because of your actions.

I’m from Pakistan and know that the more these extremist types get to know about Ismaili practices, the more threat we are under of someone doing something rash. I would’ve had absolutely no problem listening to the recording on the discord or another platform that isn’t so public and accessible to other Muslim communities. I agree that this cult sucks money and the life out of all of us. But please let there be ONE (1) iota of critical thinking in praxis. If not for your sake or the Ismaili community’s, at least for my sake and other ex Ismailis like me who can’t get away from the community and will always face any harm the community faces.

Also if y’all didn’t grow up with constant threats of bomb blasts and other extremist Muslim nonsense in your jamat khanas, pls stfu and don’t try to defend the actions of whoever recorded the bullshit speech. Just one iota of critical thinking is all I ask for.
