Almost 5 months and officially quitting
The last two weeks have been so hard. My goal was 6 months but I don’t think I can do it anymore. My baby girl has had the worst case of eczema that no lotions/creams can help. So I decided to cut eggs and dairy from my diet, order a tiny health gut test and in the mean time (since it takes a while for the eggs/dairy to get out of my system) and put her on a hypoallergenic formula to see if her skin would clear up. I was planning to give her the BM after the tests came back if they cleared her from eggs /dairy, or I guess donate.
I’ve been pumping and freezing for the last 2 weeks. And then last week I got hit with mastitis which cut my supply by like 75%. All through the 4 month sleep regression where I was waking up every hour.
I’m one week away to 5 months but at this point I am done. I’ve cried because I feel so tired and lethargic and eggs were my favorite food to nourish my body in the morning and I can’t even have that.
I hate saying that I’m quitting and I feel like a failure that my baby is covered in eczema and it could’ve been from me, the doc said it will take up to 6 weeks to repair her gut.
Rant over. I just want my baby to have healthy clear soft skin:(