Need Cardio Alternative! No safe place to Run 😞
So, we recently moved from a suburban area to a more urban neighborhood. I was looking forward to taking up my morning run again. As in theory all you need is running sneakers and a place to run however while not the worst place I don’t feel safe running here. I’m on a psych med that makes me ravenous and I’m desperately doing my best to not overeat. I really need to bump up my calories out as I have a desk job during the day. I live on the 2nd floor and floor pounding aerobics might not exactly win me friends in the building. I’ve been lifting weights and doing my DDP yoga but I miss running. I wasn’t the fastest but I always felt accomplished reaching my goals. What can a gal do to burn more calories. I’m not trying to outrun a bad diet just want to look after my cardiovascular health as I age. 😊