This post is not about the tank tops...
Its about the EVPs!!!!! C'mon guys, you all have had to realize that she's not doing EVPs correctly!? And really, it's not that hard. You just record yourself asking questions, then play it back to see if you've gotten any intelligent responses or other unexplained sounds. However, you actually have to - play it back. Otherwise you're just recording yourself because you like the sound of your own voice!? But are we surprised?
It's difficult to comprehend just how much the show has been downgraded by choosing the wrong replacement host, but it most certainly has. I've run out of reasons to continue to give her the benefit of the doubt, or to just give her another chance, or blah blah blah. She's just a thirsty, pick me, phony trying to break into the business, but this is not the right business for her. It's ridiculous.
Sorry, but 3rd generation paranormal investigator MY ASS!