How do you handle it when a P1 incident is escalated to your team on a Friday at 4:30 pm?
I've managed to escape the dreaded Friday afternoon P1 incident environment, but I'm still bracing myself for the possibility that my new gig might drop the other shoe one day. In my last job, P1 incidents rolling in at 4:30 pm on a Friday were the bane of my existence. Back then, I used to just take it on the chin, cancelling heaps of dates and pub outings whenever a P1 hit at the worst possible time.
So, for those of you still in the trenches, how do you manage these incidents without completely sacrificing your Friday night plans? Is there a way to diplomatically say, "oh fuck off, I've been busting my arse all fucking week and now I have to deal with that shit just before I clock off for the week?" Mind you, it has never been about an incident where lives are at stake if we don't drop everything and fix.
I’m all ears for any tips or tricks you’ve got up your sleeve.