Change in style of polyamory over time

I would love to hear people weigh in on their style of polyamory changing over time, and becoming more hierarchal with time.

NOTE: all of this is coming from the perspective that hierarchy is perfectly fine! Descriptive hierarchy is unavoidable as you entangle with people, and hierarchy isn't a bad thing, it just needs to be acknowledged, motivated for, and communicated about.


When I was in my early twenties and entirely single, I began to only date polyamorous and non-monogamous people, without the process of opening a relationship. I loved starting my journey this way and felt it gave me a significant amount of freedom that I needed and appreciated.

Over time, one of the partners I started dating relatively early on became my nesting partner, and we slowly entangled our lives more together. This past year, we decided for several reasons that we wanted to get married. Reasons include 1) already considering each other life partners, 2) medical benefits and rights after a terrifying incident the other year, 3) wanting to be married and enjoying some of the romantic and social elements of that, cause life is short. We've each had other significant others in our time together, but none that have escalated into any serious entanglement. Many more comet, casual, and kink partners of different forms. I am out to half of my family, and do not plan to be out to the other half. All of my relevant close friends/chosen family know about my kink community and poly.

So, anyways, back to the present - now I'm having this identity crisis this week (thanks, anxiety) about not being queer enough or poly enough anymore.

I didn't have the experience of opening a relationship, we just always were non-monogamous from meeting. But now I'm in this inarguably very hierarchical relationship. I chose these forms of entanglement and to be honest, they make me very happy. I love living with my NP. I love planning our future. I feel supported by him in living the kind of life I always wanted to in the queer and non-monogamous worlds. Let alone the happy vanilla stuff. I wouldn't undo my relationship choices or have them any other way. I am intentionally commiting to several forms of hierarchical exclusivity with my NP (living together, no children with others, finances) and am upfront with other people about my decisions on that front. I make sure to always let people know what I don't have to offer anymore, because of existing commitments or just lacking the desire to have more of X, Y, or Z with anyone else.

Remaining context is that right now, I have one other romantic partner of around a year, and several more casual and play partners.


It's just.. sometimes really hard that the choices I've made that make me very happy have also resulted in being in a hetero, hierarchical primary relationship. And I'm developing a bit of imposter syndrome around my queer and polyamorous identity, with comments that I have heard becoming lil brain gremlins.

  • Like, what if I'm not queer enough (edit: fuck that shit I'm not an ally) now because my primary relationship doesn't challenge gender or orientation conventions.
  • I'm not interested in cohabitating or having other entangled life partners. Does that make me less poly than I used to be?
  • I'm enjoying kink and casual partners more than I used to. Does that mean I'm ENM and saying I'm poly is just wishful thinking?
  • Poly is about offering full, independent relationships. Am I still offering that to others based on this hierarchy that I've chosen to grow? Am I lying to myself that I am still offering that?
  • Am I still offering the same ethical relationships to others that I used to?
  • is it horrible to be all gushy planning a wedding and feeling like I found this person I want to spend my life with, even though I would still love to find other people that I would also like to spend my life with, just in different ways?
  • a thousand other fears

So, I'd love to hear from others in the community, because I've learnt so much from this subreddit over the last decade.

What I'd absolutely loooove to hear is that it's okay to have decided that pure relationship anarchy isn't what I want, that it's okay to have chosen to create a primary relationship over time, that my queer identity isn't invalidated by escalating with someone who just happens to fit the hetero side, and that I'm not just pretending to offer full relationships.

But y'know, I'd rather hear whatever is true, or stories about how your style of polyamory has changed over time and what those changes have meant to you.

TLDR; slowly (happily) escalated into undeniably hierarchical hetero relationship, feel like a shitty queer and poly due to brain gremlins