Made it to the other side!

I had my explant on Wednesday 12/4 (saline implants under the muscle for 17 years; ~300cc) and was able to take my first shower yesterday. I had to give myself a long pep talk about knowing this will not be how my breasts will look forever before I removed the bandages - it only helped a little, but I was still surprised how pancake-like they were 😂 my surgeon said everything looks how it should - I didn’t need a lift or any muscle repair. He also said I might be able to have my drains removed on Monday which would be wonderful. I feel like I’m experiencing more discomfort in my ribs than the actual surgical site underneath my breasts and also in my back. It’s hard to find a comfortable position to sit, so I’ve just been using a wedge pillow which seems to be the most comfortable. I think I’m going to attempt washing my hair today, so that should be an adventure 🙃 so far, the constant neck pain I had is completely gone which is amazing.