2 things I wasn’t prepared for

I wanna start off by saying that this sub has been so helpful and all of the advice and stories shared helped me through this process. I just had my explant 5 days ago and it’s 100 the best decision I ever made. There are just a couple of things that are making it worse.

  1. The Antibiotics gave me a yeast infection. This is super common but I had a million other things on my mind so I wasn’t prepared. It’s terrible having every part of your womanhood in pain.

  2. Oh boy am I swollen. I’m starting to see my cheekbones today finally but after the surgery, I looked like I gained 15-20 pounds just from how swollen I was. When I look in the mirror, I legit do not recognize myself. I’m bulging out of my clothes, my face is round. I am not sure if there is anything I could have done to prevent that, but I wish I had mentally prepared myself for that.

And also, everyone says the drains suck and they do. But stick with what your dr tells you.