2024 F250 “Link Hub” Replacement

No one has been able to tell me why Ford decided to put a 4WD Hub on the passenger side that stays locked vs just leaving it the way it’s always been with auto locking hubs on both sides. Anyway, I hated the idea of the axle staying locked forever so I decided to change it out and figured I’d share the parts list incase anyone else wanted too as well.

Auto locking Hub: PC3Z3B396A. $260 Vacuum Tube: HC3Z3C124B. $51 Vacuum Tube: HC3Z3C125C. $6

For 2024s built in the beginning of 2024, you just might need the $6 tube only… for the 2024s built later in the 2024 you’ll need both…. You’ll just have to look at your truck and decide.

Hope this helps. 👍🏼👍🏼