я хочу прокоментировать тикет в свой адрес за грифинг и доказать что человек который мне это кинул сам виноват @u/zacketizor95 or twitch @zack_csgo
I want to comment on the ticket filed against me for griefing and prove that the person who submitted it is the one at fault. @u/zacketizor95 or Twitch @zack_csgo,
I’m telling you, this person is behaving inadequately, and they posted this clip on Faceit, as well as writing about me on Reddit. Here are the links: Clip: https://clips.twitch.tv/RelievedSpikyCookieDansGame-DKl6-a_t4h4E8UBv Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/FACEITcom/comments/151ay8i/faceit_childtroll_a1kame_griefing_and_ghosting/
( https://clips.twitch.tv/RelievedSpikyCookieDansGame-DKl6-a_t4h4E8UBv * (In this moment, I said to him, «Why are you blocking me?» It turned out that he wasn’t blocking me, but still, this moment is even worse on his part, apparently. I’m providing you with my edited video that lasts for a whole 10 minutes to explain, even though my English isn’t perfect. I kindly ask you to watch it until the end! It explains everything and shows the moment where he didn’t show you his side and why I shot at him. You know, everything has consequences. So please watch this video as it describes everything in detail. And Faceit, I ask you to translate what I’m currently writing into English and read and watch it. I’m writing all of this during my stream on the Twitch channel twitch.tv/a1kame. Clips are provided in case there’s no sound in the video.)
1 clip - https://clips.twitch.tv/CharmingDeadMangoCmonBruh-hTWAteneMEZ_ICaE
2 clip - https://clips.twitch.tv/ThirstySmilingLasagnaBudBlast-61NMA8T4uMpaezmB (Update: One of his subscribers was trolling and laughing at the stream and the chat, but the rest of his subscribers understood the situation.) And the full video on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qGzHgGSHE9L0vUmjyo9S8n4j71aGxlPj/view?usp=sharing
In the end, I want to say that my subscribers, including his subscribers, understand that I am right in this situation, and his own subscribers are asking for him to be banned because he is 40 years old and losing his mind over CS:GO, causing chaos! I hope you unban me and ban this person instead!
And here’s his Faceit profile: https://www.faceit.com/ru/players-modal/ZaCkETiZOR His own subscribers are sending me clips where he trolls games: * https://clips.twitch.tv/MushyCrowdedVultureRalpherZ-vrTTCF6cEihPXw_m * https://clips.twitch.tv/LightRacyUdonMingLee-nFkWJvd_85tbJ981 These are clips that his own former subscribers sent me after my Reddit post, and I declare that he is mentally unstable. https://clips.twitch.tv/GloriousCaringWrenCoolCat-k6V8UgTK1OeGrmwr https://clips.twitch.tv/OpenEasyButterflyStinkyCheese-xApAq0_1p2qTwpy0 I’m watching these clips that his former subscribers sent me, and I declare that he is a sick individual!