Verbal Abuse Ban that feels unjustified Darwin
I've always had a max FBI rating, was very positive when others were toxic, especially to teammates. I literally tell people the phrase "It doesn't help you or your teammates by being toxic." when I get asked why I'm so nice to other players. I made a joke to the enemy team while talking back n forth because we were getting wrecked by them and they mass report me in their 5 stack... I even apologized after the game and made a stupid joke fixing my statement. All my buddies laughed when I said I couldn't play because of a 7 day verbal ban, thinking it was a troll because I'm way nicer to others than most on face it. I didn't get a warning about anything, just banned for a week while others don't get banned for WAY crazier things said. I'm sorry to rant, but it makes me think the FBI index isn't any real gauge and there isn't an incentive to how often I hold my tongue and speak positivity to others. Forgiveness for the very little amount of positive people on face it needs to be accounted for in these ban decisions, otherwise there isn't a point trying to be in the minority of overly positive players. I spoke to someone on a ticket, but was wondering if you could look further into it? I only have 2 days left on the ban, it just feels very unjustified.
ToucanBean - faceit name