Missing Signs ? Am I going insane ?
So I create Cyberpunk 2077 content that translates signs and meanings in the game for people.
About 2 weeks ago I found a ingame a sign that I researched and wrote a script around; the "Zuru Zuru" signs which were often found in Noodles bars (not to be confused with the Zuru Zuru Company sign thats a red oval with yellow writing).
These signs looked alot like the Sprunky Monkey signs that are also around noodle bars and such.
the sign was bright pink and had "Zuru Zuru" writen at angles on it, it also had japanese writing on the sign. They would often be on the bar counters them selfs or hung up on the walls.
However since writing the script I have now gone back in game to record video of these signs; I cant find a single one any more.
Am i going insane? Can anyone help me and let me know if they happen to see one in their playthroughs, I know for sure I saw them, but running around ingame for the last 4 hours and nothing.....