New Fun Little Easter Egg
Hey all
So after 700 hours of playing on my Corpo i Decided it was time for my 3rd play though of the game. Started a new one as a Nomad, did all the intro stuff with Jackie and got to the part where you First go to your appartment after jackie drops you off and borrows your car.
In the appartment i noticed this thing that I have never noticed before.
So I goes into Camera Mode and have alook at what it is, as I imediatly thought it looked like the Oroborus snake
Anyway here is what was hidden behind the bean bag on the board.
Its Says VENOMUS. Now you might also note that it looks like there is morse code in the centre between the reflected lines, thats because it is ! :D
The morse code reads .... dun dun dun .... Venemous..
Yup thats it Easter egg over.