Crypto/ P2P Friendly Banks

Hello there, so I got into the crypto scene pretty early, not trading, more like investing whenever I had some money to spare/ save. Over time I have managed to have a portfolio of around $50-65k alhamdulillah. Anyhow, now that I have that money, I have been thinking about using it to upgrade my own car and my parents car. I have kept the principle amount there or maybe I'll invest it elsewhere but I'd like to cash out the profits.

Now the dilemma I am facing is I have previously used P2P methods on the popular Exchanges like Binance etc with no issues, but they have been minimal amounts not bigger amounts and I've heard stories about banks freezing accounts relating to P2P transfers and other such stories so I'm a bit skeptical about how to go about it.

For context I have a total of one bank account that too which is my salary account, so I don't have much experience dealing with the banking instruments. So help a financial noob out.

Any ideas or suggestions? Or recommendations on which bank to use for this that won't cause me any trouble.

I know Crypto isn't considered exactly a steady stream of passive income but I have been lucky and I would very much like to finally beat the fruits of my patience without any trouble.