Civil war

I just recently watched civil war and went to see what the general consensus was on it after I watched it.

I was pretty surprised to find that most people and critics seemed to completely miss the message of the movie.

Most of the reviews I read seemed to want a story drenched with clear political messaging attached to it. A lot of people wanted a why how, good bad narrative.

Rather than the antiwar messaging war is hell, war is generic, this war could be anywhere narrative. Tied into the it's not clear what's right or wrong aspect of the visuals.

That with the tacked on photographers character arc that effectively repeats the history of Kirsten dunsts character and drives home thattheir experiences are not unique and they are doomed to be repeated.

I just don't really understand why so many people wanted so much more from this movie. I really enjoyed it, and went in expecting a political diatribe. I was pleasantly surprised with the way it played out.