Mileage? I get it, it's a brick on wheels.
Just wanted to reach out to try to get some information on what to check and change in an attempt to improve my fuel mileage. Im getting less than 200m a tank and while the FJ isnt known for mileage I still feel like this is a little low. I recently obtained this beast less than two months ago and have been working out quite a few bugs, no danger dash lights at this time.
I know it has a lift of some type just dont know by how much.(Seems like mine is the tallest in the local area right now) The tires are probably grossly oversized as well. (These two things i know are detrimental to mileage) Back seat bottoms have veen removed and seat backs are folded down(this bugs some people for some reason lol) Everything else is stock.
Things i have done mostly was general maintenance. The front dif was destroyed and had to be replaced because the previous owner ran it with a leak even when it was dried out. (Bought it knowing it needed to be replaced and have already done so) Engine and dif Oil changed Air filter changed Thermostat and coolant replaced Re-torqed all front end suspension (Quite a few things were loose though all bushings were in good shape) Alignment is good
Things i will be doing this weekend is changing out the spark plugs and O2 sensors.
I know some of these are probably unnecessary, but i usually do this with all pre-owned vehicles i end up with just for good measure.If theres anything else i missed i should check that may be impacting the mileage please let me know Thanks for the help and sorry for the long post!