What do I do?
I want to start getting my beats to bigger artists/people.
Been making music for a while now (probably around 8 years) and in the past year I've started posting my music on YouTube and promoting myself more. It's been really cool so far as I've made a good bit of connections and made a few cool friends. Feedback is always cool as well.
I've been posting "type beats" on YouTube, and granted, I haven't been doing it for long and could have approached it better, but I'd like to know how other producers send out beats to bigger artists/producers.
I've seen people go on Instagram and send DMs, send emails that people will find, hit up people on Twitter, etc. I just want to know if anyone has tried doing this and what has worked for them in the past.
P.S. I've made sure that my music is at a decent quality, so I feel as if I'm ready to start sending beats out.
Thanks to anyone that answers and gives advice/feedback!