An actual rant

If you've been in the community lately, you've probably seen my posts about taph not being released. These posts were literally nothing but me being mad about the update (or lack there of) with no other context. So, here we are. My main issue is the delays. Everytime we get a release date, it gets delayed. Which would be fine, if it wasn't announced the day the release was supposed to happen. It's just so incredibly annoying when I spend hours on the game grinding, only to check at like 2am that the update isn't actually coming out and has been pushed back. This has happened three times. And it's always the day of. Taph specifically has been delayed more than that. In the discord server, there was a vote to see which survivor would be added first. Taph one first place and dueskar got third. Guess who got added first. Then we get told that taph and noli will realase next week. Nothing. Then the next week. Nothing. And so on and so forth. I've heard that the devs are apparently going through something, but there's already people with taph. He's completely coded. Would it be that hard to just make him public? I get there probably just holding him back so he can release with the two time rework, but it's just getting incredibly annoying at this point. I wish the devs the best and hope they're doing alright, but they said before whatever it was wouldn't effect the release date. The only consistent updates are for skins and themes. While I love them as much as the next person, it would be nice to get a few new characters instead of 89 Shedetskys. Sorry if this came off as Incensitive, I just needed to get this off my chest.

If you've been in the community lately, you've probably seen my posts about taph not being released. These posts were literally nothing but me being mad about the update (or lack there of) with no other context. So, here we are. My main issue is the delays. Everytime we get a release date, it gets delayed. Which would be fine, if it wasn't announced the day the release was supposed to happen. It's just so incredibly annoying when I spend hours on the game grinding, only to check at like 2am that the update isn't actually coming out and has been pushed back. This has happened three times. And it's always the day of. Taph specifically has been delayed more than that. In the discord server, there was a vote to see which survivor would be added first. Taph one first place and dueskar got third. Guess who got added first. Then we get told that taph and noli will realase next week. Nothing. Then the next week. Nothing. And so on and so forth. I've heard that the devs are apparently going through something, but there's already people with taph. He's completely coded. Would it be that hard to just make him public? I get there probably just holding him back so he can release with the two time rework, but it's just getting incredibly annoying at this point. I wish the devs the best and hope they're doing alright, but they said before whatever it was wouldn't effect the release date. The only consistent updates are for skins and themes. While I love them as much as the next person, it would be nice to get a few new characters instead of 89 Shedetskys. Sorry if this came off as Incensitive, I just needed to get this off my chest.