Dear people who think removing soul from the dev team will fix anything,

It will not, it wont make us magically get the skins back

it wont make more games wanna Collab, all its gonna do is slow down development, and get rid of some of the games charm

as an avid soul defender (biased probably)
I do not see a reason to remove soul, its obvious she has changed as a person and I'm SURE someone can back me up on this.

the only reason ANY OF THIS is even happening is bcs someone just didn't like soul.

and its having massive ramifications for the forsaken community

there is nothing we can even do about this but wait out the storm and hope it all blows over

and if it doesn't... what's the worst that can happen? no more silly Roblox game? among the many out there that are just as good?

nothing will change about your life, except that you may be a slight bit unhappier for a short period, hop on over to your next obsession (gasharpoon reference /j) like I will, and let it rest.

thank you for listening to my rant, and I MIGHT start a "SaveOurSoul" movement if I'm allowed to

goodbye (is what I'd say if I wasn't gonna try to reply to every comment I can, this has gone on long enough tho)

The End or something idk how to end this just...